People in the park

Urban Sketchers London held their second online sketch meet up via Zoom. Today’s theme was ‘people’, led  by John Webb. I decided to sit on my local park bench to sketch people on this freezing but deceptively sunny day. 

I admit, moving people are difficult to capture. I roughly sketched the outline of the landscape (path, trees etc) first and added people in one at a time as they walked along the path. This approach made it easier for me to keep to the perspective and proportions. 

My favourite person is the little girl in the flowery coat. I managed to capture her as she kept running back and forth along the path.   

It’s good to be back sketching outdoors!


By Sasala Wickramasinghe

Urban sketching and watercolour is my hobby. I'm a biochemist by training and work for the NHS full time as a healthcare scientist. Most of my free time, outside my day job is devoted to art and urban sketching. I am a self confessed nerd when it comes to watercolour and art materials in general. I approach them with the same curiosity and passion as I do for biochemistry - because after all, colour is science! I travel to sketch and sketch to travel. I'm an active member of Urban Sketchers London - part of a global sketching community which I only discovered in 2017.

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