The iconic Seven Dials pillar stands at the centre of where 7 streets meet, but did you know the pillar depicts only 6 sun dials? Read more about the intriguing history of Seven Dials here.
Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery
After missing out on the first two live USk London sketch crawls, I finally made it to the Spetember edit at Ealing Broadway and Pitzhanger Manor. The side order of sun we ordered didn’t arrive until later in the afternoon, but it turned out to be a lovely day of sketching and catching up with… Continue reading Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery
The circus
This classic circus tent pitched up in a local field was too lovely not to sketch. It took me a couple of weeks to pluck up the courage to go and sketch it. As I walked around to find a good view, I got a few weird looks from the guys at the ticket booth… Continue reading The circus
Shoreham-by-sea and Worthing
Shoreham-by-sea from across River Adur Houseboats in Shoreham-by-sea Worthing beach front
Sketching London with the ‘Northerners’
St Dunstan in the East The Shipwrights Arms on Tooley Street Tower of London from across the river at Potter’s Field Keat’s statue at Guy’s, and Elsey & Bent stall on Borough Market
Blustery day on Worthing beach front, looking towards the pier.
One half of the plum tree in my back garden fell on Sunday night. It didn’t make any noise or break anything else; just laid across the boundary fence with the canopy lying in the neighbour’s garden.
Exploring Woodberry Wetlands
Woodberry Wetlands Nature Reserve.
Elephants in Green Park
A herd of elephants descended on the Royal Parks of London in July! The 100 strong elephant family was made out of Lantana camara – an invasive weed found in the jungles of South India. These elephants are travelling the world to remind us of our co-existence with wildlife and how it can be detrimental… Continue reading Elephants in Green Park